Newsletter 21

Dear friends,
While walking on the spectacular Siesta Beach, I was overwhelmed with the surrounding beauty. I am so grateful to be living in a beautiful place many call Paradise. There are so many contributing factors, and this month I’d like to share about a special place that is very important to me: Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
I am in my second year of volunteering in the horticulture department, specifically in the greenhouses that are not accessible to the public and where Selby’s vast collections are studied, propagated and nurtured.
The wonderful staff at Selby Gardens readily share their incredible knowledge and passion for the vast collection of plant life, specifically epiphytes: plants that grow non-parasitically upon a another plant, such as a tree. Popular epiphytes include orchids, bromeliads and ferns. My experiences at the gardens have been life changing.
Selby Gardens is an important part of the culture of Sarasota. The seven acre sight along the bay front offers a visually stunning and very spiritual experience. I encourage everyone to spend time appreciating the many gifts that it offers. It’s a must-see experience!
Here’s some recent Suncoast area news:
CASH STILL RULES IN AREA REAL ESTATE : Cash buyers continue to dominate Southwest Florida’s residential real estate market, according to a new report. The Sarasota-Manatee region ranked third among major U.S. metropolitan areas with 65% of all home sales purchased with cash during the first quarter of 2014. Statewide, buyers paid cash for 64% of the homes purchased, nearly double from the 35% recorded a year ago. Click on the link for more on this story: Cash still king
REAL ESTATE SALES UP : Home prices in the Sarasota-Manatee market pushed well above $200,000, while condo prices climbed 12% to a median of $162,500. The pace of gains moderated from the torrid pace of a year ago when bulk-buying investors dominated the market. They have since largely departed. What is left is a healthy market still trying to combat a dearth of inventory. Follow the link for more: Real estate market healthier
THE MALL AT UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER IS COMING SOON : The $315 million luxury mall, the first enclosed mall to be built in the nation since 2006, is drawing retailers with panache: Apple, Camicisimma Milano, kate spade, Calpyso St. Barth, Williams-Sonoma, Saks Fifth Avenue among many others. Anticipation is building for the October 16 opening day, so much that tickets are selling for a pre-opening celebration. The hoopla is not surprising, given the dearth of such shopping here. There’s never been one place for families and tourists to get the kind of mix of retailers the mall with bring; destination shops, teen favorites and big department stores. Click here for more shopping news: Shopping extravaganza is just around the corner
BAYFRONT PLANS REVEALED : A group of developers said that their vision for Sarasota’s bayfront could succeed where other plans have failed. The $220 million project on Sarasota’s bayfront, with a new Mote aquarium as its centerpiece, would convert a piece of city property – much of it now parking lot – into a waterfront jewel. The group of developers hope to boost Mote Marine Laboratory’s standing as a research institution, create jobs in Sarasota and generate millions in economic activity for the county. Follow the jump to read more: Big plans for bayfront
PADDLEBOARDER HOOKS TARPON & TELLS A TALE : Without photographic evidence, Nick Halloran’s adventure of man and a paddle board versus tarpon might be deemed too fishy to be believed. The 20 year old Sarasota native hooked a tarpon while fishing from his 12 foot paddle board, outfitted for fishing with rod holders, a cooler mount and tackle rack. Click here for a pic and more: Incredible fishing tale
We’re here to help you make your dreams come true. If that’s assistance with finding your dream home in the Suncoast area or carefully watching your southern property when you return to the north or to your home country …. you can count on us. Visit our website for more information on our services: Suncoast Home Concierge
Thanks for reading our newsletter and please let us know if you have any questions. Feel free to forward to your friends, we love referrals.
Sunny regards,
Phone: (941) 961-4309
Fax: (941) 923-4983