Newsletter 29

Dear friends,
Every year we make commitments and goals for the year ahead. My commitment is to continue to be the best that I can be, and to offer my best to our clients and friends. In previous newsletters I’ve written about the importance of gratitude. My goal is to live with gratitude each and every day.
We are proud of the work that we do with our clients. We take great pride in working with their beautiful homes and gardens. The greatest compliment that we can receive is a referral. It means the world to us.
Anything is possible, and we can help make your dreams come true. Visit our website for more information on our services and how we can help: Suncoast Home Concierge
Here’s some recent Suncoast area news:
FLORIDA’S QUICKENING PULSE: its economic mojo. After falling harder than most states during the Great Recession – the result of double-digit unemployment and housing values cut in half in many areas – the Sunshine State has regained lost ground in the categories of jobs, visitors, housing, manufacturing and other key areas. In some areas, like tourism, Southwest Florida and the rest of the state are even exceeding levels attained during the economic boom years of the last decade. As 2015 begins, some analysts expect Florida’s overall economy to rise by 4.1 percent – a third greater than the nation’s rate and one of the fastest growing rates in the U.S. Click here to read more, courtesy the Sarasota Herald Tribune: Florida’s Comeback
ANNUAL SURGE IN PART-TIME RESIDENTS IS UNDER WAY: They’ve been trickling in since the first wintry weather began descending on the Midwest and Northeast. From now until Easter count on bigger crowds everywhere, with cars sporting out-of-state license plates. Ever wonder which of those plates are the most common on local roads this time of year? Government records data shows that the state other than Florida where most people own the greatest number of properties is New York. Empire State residents own 13,110 local properties. Coming in second is Ohio (7,903), followed by Illinois (7,586), Michigan (7,540), New Jersey (6,128) and Pennsylvania (5,695). Among people living in foreign countries, Canadians own far more property in Sarasota and Manatee – 9,517 parcels – than any other nationality. The United Kingdom came in second with 1,685 local properties owned by UK residents. There’s more here: Snowbird Migration Map
A LARGER LIDO ON THE HORIZON: A project to replace sand lost from Lido Beach during Tropical Storm Debby has begun. Dredging may go on 24 hours per day, seven days per week, until the project is completed sometime in March, according to city officials. About 100 feet of sand has eroded from some parts of the beach, threatening property and infrastructure. Up to 197,000 cubic yards of sand from the New Pass shoal will be spread across 1.8 miles of Lido Beach. The interim project is intended to help stabilize the badly eroded sections of Lido, while a larger, more controversial sand replacement and stabilization effort is planned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. That plan is still being revised ahead of more public meetings. Follow the jump for more: A Larger Lido
DISTILLER’S ‘THREE PEAT”: Sarasota’s Drum Circle Distilling has won – yet again – another international award for its line of “Siesta Key Spiced Rum”. Siesta Key’s “Distillers Reserve” Spiced Rum swept the spiced category of Caribbean Journal’s 2014 Rum Awards. This is the third year in a row that Drum Circle Distilling has won this category. The business’s previous two wins have been for its traditional spiced rum. Click here to read more: Rum & Coke Please
SAME SEX MARRIAGE WILL BOOST FLORIDA ECONOMY: Wedding industry experts predict South Florida could become a destination wedding location for same-sex couples. Wedding specialists are gearing up for a boom in the local economy on both coasts of Florida. One study estimates that total spending on wedding arrangements and tourism by same-sex couples and their guests could add more than $182 million to the state and local economy over three years, and $12.1 million in sales tax revenue to state and local coffers. Read more here: Equality Creates Revenue
Thanks for reading our newsletter and please let us know if you have any questions. Feel free to forward to your friends, we love referrals.
Sunny regards,
Phone: (941) 961-4309
Fax: (941) 923-4983