Newsletter 82

You can tell that season is winding down on the Suncoast by the sight of car carriers as well as less traffic on the roads. Our seasonal friends are returning to their homes in the north and we look forward to their return next year.
City planners in Sarasota are wrestling with how to improve traffic congestion during season and all year long. Definitely the heaviest traffic congestion is the main accesses to our famous barrier islands: Siesta Key and Longboat Key (whose southern access across the Ringling Bridge is also used for Bird Key, St. Armands and Lido Key). Each busy island only has two accesses and these accesses are quite a few miles apart.
Florida Department of Transportation believes that construction of a new roundabout will ease the congestion to the southern access point to Longboat, Bird Key, Lido and St. Armands. Roundabouts are also under construction on the busy U.S. 41 north of Sarasota’s downtown, including the Fruitville-U.S. 41 interchange. Please continue reading for more on the roundabouts.
A few questions arise from the roundabout discussion:
- Will the roundabouts ease the congestion by allowing traffic to flow better?
- Will our many seniors be comfortable with these high volume roundabouts?
- Why are our traffic signals so long in duration?
Florida’s population is close to surpassing a record 21 million, with growth in Sarasota and Manatee counties and other mostly coastal communities contributing steadily to the Sunshine State’s appeal to newcomers. According to U.S. Census data released last month, the nation’s population topped 352.7 million as of July 1, 2017 – up from more than 323.1 million as of the same date one year earlier. Most Florida counties have contributed to the excessive growth spurts – though the census bureau found a few exceptions, especially in already sparsely populated, rural areas. As of July 1, 2010, 379,944 residents claimed Sarasota County addresses. By last summer, that number reached 419,119. To read more on this story, courtesy of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, please click here: Florida Growth Spurt
Florida set another tourism record in 2017 by welcoming the highest number of visitors in any year in the state’s history with 116.5 million visitors, according to the state’s tourism promotion arm, Visit Florida. But probably because of the passage of Hurricane Irma in September, the state didn’t reach its goal of 120 million visitors. The 2017 number is a 3.6% increase over the 112.4 million visitors in 2016. Please click here to read more: Tourism Record
The notion about replacing the signalized intersection at US 41 and Gulfstream Avenue promoted many questions and concerns among residents who attended a recent Florida Department of Transportation presentation about the proposal. “I look out my window and see the Ringing Bridge traffic backed up to Bird Key.” said downtown resident Dan Rose. “I can only imagine what this is going to do.” The FDOT is engaged in a $436,000 preliminary design and engineering study to determine whether a roundabout is the right fix for the crossroads where traffic becomes backlogged in all directions. It expects to complete that review by this summer. FDOT spokesman Zach Burch said the roundabout would be south of the current intersection and north of the Unconditional Surrender statue. The state is constructing roundabouts on U.S. 41 at 10th Street and 14th Street, a $12.6 million project to be completed in early 2020. A roundabout is also planned at U.S. 41 and Fruitville Road and roundabouts are being considered for the road’s intersections at Dr. Martin Luther King Way and Myrtle Street. There’s more on this story here: Roundabouts!!!
Developer Chuck Whittall’s deadline for a half dozen condo owners in the defunct Colony Beach & Tennis Resort to agree to buyouts passed last week. The holdouts stood firm in rejecting Whittall’s offer, though the other 160 owners were on board. “Well, there’s only six people holding out” Whittall said last week. “I have a legal arsenal coming at them to dissolve the colony. At the end of the day, we will construct a new resort. We will prevail.” Unicorp’s suit seeks to dissolve the condo association without its members’ consent on the grounds that the property is derelict and a threat to public safety. Please follow the jump for more on this story: Colony Back To Court
While most Floridians bring sunscreen and towels to the beach, some officials worry that fences and ropes around private property could become the next new shoreline site in the wake of a controversial state law. A property rights measure taking effect July 1 could prompt more waterfront homeowners to restrict public access to their beachfront, some activists say. They fear more places could turn into surfside battlegrounds like the Panhandle’s Walton County, which prompted the new law. The Florida Constitution guarantees that any beach seaward of the usual high-tide line is public land, meaning those walking or lounging on wet sand aren’t trespassing. Publicly owned beach, like state parks and those owned by local governments also remain welcoming. But visitors who plant a beach umbrella on the stretch of dry sand between a private residence and the water could be threatened by the new law. There’s more on this story here: Beach Property Rights
A zoning change on Siesta Key approved by the County Commission last week could pave the way for the founder of 1-800-Ask-Gary to construct a controversial hotel on the island. The commission voted to approve a tweak in development rules on Siesta Key that allow commercial buildings taller than 35 feet to be built within 25 feet of the roadway. The decision could green-light plans by Gary Kompothecras to build a fiercely-opposed boutique hotel on about one acre near Stickney Point and Midnight Pass roads. If you’d like to read more, click here: Siesta Zoning
Please visit our website for more information on our services, and how we can assist you with your home in the Sarasota area: Suncoast Home Concierge
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